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Frequently Asked Questions

  • First you can create an account for free on the website.
  •  Then you should contact Lambadi Software Developer P.L.C. finance department to make the appropriate payment to get access to the website.
  • After making the appropriate payment you will have access to the website by your username and password created.
  • You can contact Lambadi Software Developer P.L.C. by using the address:- Bole Medhanialem Sheger Building 4th floor   Office No. 400A

Phone Number: +251 6-6389340

Mobile: +251930-033537

Fax: +251 6-638939


  • This can be done by contacting Lambadi Software Developer P.L.C. Finance department.
  • The contact address is:-

Address: Bole Medhanialem Sheger Building 4th floor Office No. 400A

Phone Number: +251 6-6389340

Mobile: +251930-033537

Fax: +251 6-638939


  • You can update any information on your companies profile by clicking on your company name and then click on the edit tab.
  •  Then on this page you can edit the information and images (banners) of your company.

Notice: The images should be minimum size to the once stated on the payment package.

  • You can go to your company’s information there will be an edit tab if you are successfully logged in by your account.
  • Then on the page there will be a button that says choose banner and this option opens banners
  • First Click on your username that is found on the top right corner.
  • Then click on the edit tab.
  • After clicking the edit tab you will be able to change your profile as you need.
  • You can change your password by clicking on your username that is located on the top right
  • Then click on the edit tab to edit your password or any other profile you want.
  • But for password you have to enter your current password on the current password textbox and
  • You will have to write your new password on the Password textbox and confirm the password on by rewriting it on the confirm password textbox.
  • And then click on the save button and you are done.
  • You can describe what you need to be notified by going to your profile that is by clicking your username on the top right corner
  • Then click on the edit tab and at the end of the page there will be list of options to choose to get notified and
  • By choosing what you want the system will automatically adjust and notify you the choice you want.
  • You can click on the Bid/Tenders on the menu that is found at the left side of the website.
  • Then there will be a drop down box of categories on the search area that will narrow it down to your need.
  • You can click on any one of the options that you want
  • And then you can click on search
  • You should type a text on the textbox to find what you are looking for it may be a phrase, text or title
  • And when you click on search button.
  • First you have to login into the website successfully
  • Then you will find a Invite my friends button on the menu on the left
  • By clicking on the button you can insert your fiends email address and send them a message to check out the website.
  • You can click on the remind me button at the end of a bid to be reminded before seven days of the bid expiration date.
  • You can use the like button to like a company that you like by going through construction directory
  • And then click on one of the categories that you want and select the company that you want information on
  • Then you will see full information of the company and you can click on the like button to like the company information that you like.
  • There will be a bookmark link at the end of every content so by bookmarking the content the user can read it later or get any information the bookmarked content at my bookmarks.
  • You can post comments at the end of the content you will have a textbox to write your name if you are not logged in.
  • If you are you don’t have to write anything the system will automatically write your user name.
  • So after that you will have a textbox to write your subject about your comment and a comment textbox to fully describe your comment.
  • And then you can save it of preview by clicking the buttons below as you wish.
  • You can either click on the contact us tab on the top menus or
  • Go to left end side of the page and click on the contact us page
  • When you click on the contact us page their you can write the subject, message and send it.

Main menu 2

Lambadi Software Developer P.L.C