Latest News
The First Concrete Road is constructed in Addis Ababa, Akaki Kaliti Sub city Addis Ababa Roads Authority announced that it has built the fi.. more |
Breakthrough in riding the rails in Ethiopia CNR Changchun uses embedded technology transfer for growth in .. more |
Real Estate
50 Thousand Condos To Be Transferred To Beneficiaries በአዲስ አበባ ለነባር የ20/80 ቤቶች ፕሮግራም ተመዘጋቢዎች ተገንብተው የተጠናቀቁ 50 ሺ ቤቶች.. more |
Electric Power
Ministry Endeavoring To Attain GTP In Energy Sector The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy said it is exerting.. more |
EIC Chooses Design For 30 Storey Builing The Ethiopian Insurance Corporation has chosen design for the 30.. more |
Ethiopia slams International Rivers organisation for supporting Egypt Ethiopia's National Panel of Experts linked to the Renaissance.. more |